Concert de l’Ensemble 7à8
19h- Restaurant La Citadelle à Dinant (Place Reine Astrid 3, 5500 Dinant)
26th December 2015, Ensemble 7à8 in Dinant
27th, 28th November 2015, deFilharmonie
27th, 28th November 2015, deFilharmonie
Fryday 27.11.2015 20h- Concertgebouw Brugge
Saturday 28.11.2015 20h- deSingel Antwerp
DeFilhamonie ( The Royal Flemish Philharmonic )
Martyn Brabbins / condactor
Brussels Jazz Orchestra
Overture, waltz and finale (From Powder her face) / Thomas Adès
Valses nobles et sentimentales / Maurice Ravel
Mavis in Las Vegas / Peter Maxwell Davies
Big valses…! (for Ravels Valses nobles et sentimentales) / Pierre Drevet
24th November 2015, Masterclass/Concert avec Graham Fitkin
24th November 2015, Masterclass/Concert avec Graham Fitkin
10h- Masterclass
19h- Concert de clôture de la Master classe de Graham Fitkin
Conservatoire Royal, rue du Chêne 17, Bruxelles
Hard fairly for two pianos and soprano saxophone*
Fry 23th october 2015, Buon compleanno Berio ! in Brussels
Fry 23th october 2015, Buon compleanno Berio ! in Brussels
Vendredi 23.10.2015 – 15:00, 17:30 & 20:00
Buon compleanno Berio !
À l’occasion de son 90e anniversaire, une folle journée dédiée au compositeur italien Luciano Berio, pionnier de la musique contemporaine. Une initiative de 14 jeunes talents, réalisée en collaboration avec l’Istituto Italiano di Cultura de Bruxelles.
Au programme : trois concerts consacrés aux 14 Sequenzas de Luciano Berio.
Gratuit / ISTITUO ITALIANO DI CULTURA – Voir le plan
Rue de Livourne 38, 1000 Bruxelles
Infos :
Tue 22 September – Sat 3 October 2015, Powder her face / La monnaie
Tue 22 September – Sat 3 October 2015, Powder her face / La monnaie
Sat 15, Sun 16 August 2015, The 3rd Singapore Saxophone Symposium
Sat 15, Sun 16 August 2015, The 3rd Singapore Saxophone Symposium
Sat 15, Sun 16 August 2015, The 3rd Singapore Saxophone Symposium
At the Nanyang Academy of Music
Amigo saxophone collectif :
Leslie Wong ( Singapore )
Tak Chiu Wong ( Hongkong )
Phil Pierick ( USA )
Asagi Ito ( Japan )
Nele Tiebout ( Belgium )
Pikong Woo ( Taiwan )
Tae Young Kim ( Korea )
Sun 19th July 2015, Harp & Saxophone concert in Sweden
Sun 19th July 2015, Harp & Saxophone concert in Sweden
Söndagen den 19 Juli 2015
Insläpp kl 15:00, start kl 15:30.
Plannerad repetoar:
W A Mozart : Sonata no.9 K.244
C Debussy : La fille aux cheveux de lin
Unknow/Japanese traditional song : Sakura Sakura
T Narita/Japanese traditional song : Come walk along the shore
V Monti : Csardas
R Maxwell : Ebb tide
A Piazzolla : Libertango och fler.
Biljettpris per person, för konsert inklusive fika är: 170 (inklusive bokningsavgift 10kr)
Fry 10th July 2015, Amigo Saxophone Quartet Recital in Strasbourg, France
Fry 10th July 2015, Amigo Saxophone Quartet Recital in Strasbourg, France
16h45, 10th July, Amigo Saxophone Quartet Recital
World Saxophone congres in Strasbourg
Pieces by Emily Koh (Hong Kong) and Narong Prangcharoen (Thailand)
Asagi ITO (soprano)
Leslie Wong (Alto)
Pieter Pellens(Tenor)
Tak Chiu Wong (Baritone)
Wed 8th July 2015, Concert of Amigo Saxophone Quartet in Belgium
Wed 8th July 2015, Concert of Amigo Saxophone Quartet in Belgium
Concert of Amigo Saxophone Quartet in Belgium
in Kapel WICO Campus Sint-Hubertus, Belgium
Asagi ITO (soprano)
Leslie Wong (Alto)
Pieter Pellens(Tenor)
Tak Chiu Wong (Baritone)
Sun 14th – Thur 18th June 2015, Asia Pacific Saxophone Academy in Thailand
Sun 14th – Thur 18th June 2015, Asia Pacific Saxophone Academy in Thailand
Asia Pacific Saxophone Academy at Kasetsart University in Bangkok, Thailand. 16-18 June, 2015
Amigo Saxophone Quartet in collaboration with the Department of Music, Kasetsart University brings to you the Asia Pacific Saxophone Academy 2015 at the Chulabhornpisalsilp Building, Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand .
For five full days on 14-18 June 2015, 54 saxophonists will be able to work closely with the faculty in a variety of settings including lessons, lectures,, master classes, and ensembles.
Faculty for APSA 2015 includes Joshua Hyde (Australia), Asagi Ito (Japan), Luckachai Krichnoi (Chulalongkorn University, Thailand), Wong Tak Chiu (Hong Kong), Leslie Wong (NAFA, Singapore), Kenny Tsai (TNUA, Taiwan), Tae Young Kim (Myung ji University, Korea), Dr. Nathan Nabb (SFA University, USA), Dr. Scott Turpen (University of Wyoming, USA) and Dr. Jennifer Turpen (University of Wyoming, USA).
Fri 3 April 2015 “Charlie Chaplin – City Lights” Brussels Philharmonic
Fri 3 April 2015 “Charlie Chaplin – City Lights” Brussels Philharmonic
20h15- Fri 3 April 2015, Charlie Chaplin – City Lights
Flagey Studio 4
Brussels Philharmonic
Direction Dirc Brossé
Film Music Concert at Flagey: Watch the movie on big screen, live accompanied by Brussels Philharmonic under the baton of Dirk Brossé
Ticketshop Flagey
Heilig Kruisplein 1 | 1050 Elsene (Brussels) | | tel: 0032 (0)2 641 10 20
Price categories
30€ (Cat.I) | 25€ (Cat.II) | 20€ (Cat.III)
第2回 東北サクソフォンフェスティバル
展示・試奏コーナー 11:00開始予定
フェスティバルコンサート 13:00開演予定
会場:太白区文化センター 楽楽楽ホール
(仙台市太白区長町 仙台市営地下鉄「長町駅」下車すぐ)
チケット:一般2500円 / 学生1000円
Mon 9, Tue10 March 2015 “West side story” Brussels Philharmonic
Mon 9, Tue10 March 2015 “West side story” Brussels Philharmonic
Mon 9, Tue10 March 2015 “West side story” Brussels Philharmonic
Mon 9.03.15 20h Bozar
Tue 19.03.15 20h Bozar
Programme : West side story / L.Bernstein
Ditection : Wayne Marshall
Cat I: 41€ | Cat II: 33€ | Cat III: 23€ | Cat IV: 11€
2015年2月13日(金)明日を担う音楽家たち2015 ~文化庁在外研修の成果~
2015年2月13日(金)明日を担う音楽家たち2015 ~文化庁在外研修の成果~
明日を担う音楽家たち2015 ~文化庁在外研修の成果~
日 時: 2015年2月13日(金) 19時開演 (18時30分開場)
会 場:東京オペラシティ コンサートホール
主 催:文化庁 公益社団法人 日本オーケストラ連盟
制 作:公益社団法人 日本オーケストラ連盟
トロンボーン:玉木 優(ベルン)
フルメリ/トロンボーン協奏曲 作品81
(Frumerie/Trombone Concerto op.81)
挾間美帆/ Suite “Space in Senses”より
(Miho Hazama/ )
グラズノフ/アルト・サクソフォーン協奏曲 変ホ長調 作品109
(Glazunov/Alto Saxophone Concerto in E-flat Major op.109)
(Walton/Viola Concerto)
チケット料金: S:3,500円 ペア券(S席2枚)6,000円 A:2,500円 B:1,000円
Dimanche 25 janvier 2015 Concert à Jabbeke
Dimanche 25 janvier 2015 Concert à Jabbeke
Dimanche 25 janvier 2015 Concert à Jabbeke
Saxophone Ensemble de Conservatoire Royal de Bruxelles